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Since January 2016, we have entertained and informed investors with all the greatest crypto news, lame dad jokes, puppy puns and crazy dog pictures. It’s a buffet: take what you like and leave the rest for those who enjoy it!

Sneaky little liars, plus gifts wrapped in red tape

BOS update June-July 2024 We warned you they were sneaky… Last month we told you that billionaires will lie to you, if they think they can make a dollar from…

Be careful, most of them are a lion to you

Bostoncoin update May-June 2024 Everyone else is a lion Until we get clear crypto legislation, nasty people are going to be lying, cheating, scamming, pumping and dumping. We have been…

Friends don’t let friends get mono

Bostoncoin update April – May 2024 Friends: don’t let your friends get mono Mono is bad: Type one. Sometimes your friend kisses the wrong person at a weak moment. Mononucleosis is…

Banzai! Japan awakens. What is “DePin”? Guess who made 200%?

Bostoncoin update Mar-Apr 2024 Banzai! Japan wakes up. What is DePin? Hey kids, remember Japan? They used to be famous for creating amazing technology and tiny appliances, such as the…

Strangest news, and a weird feeling of calm after the storm

Bostoncoin update Feb-March 2024 Weirdest & strangest newsletter ever This is the weirdest and strangest newsletter I have written in some nine years, and not just because I am typing…

The USA ain’t A-OK, but RUOK?

Bostoncoin update Jan-Feb 2024 The USA ain’t A-OK, but RUOK? “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson’s words echo those of fellow warriors Dwight…

2024: the year that Bitcoin takes Wall Street update Jan 2024 2024: Chinese year of the dragon and the year that Bitcoin takes Wall Street Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, let’s take a moment…

Shut up and *don’t* take my money

Bostoncoin update Nov-Dec 2023 Good News & Jolly Holidays Happy holidays and Merry celebrations to all. Over 83% of Bitcoin holders are now in profit. Because the blockchain is open…

This is your last chance for massive crypto gains; it all changes next month

Bostoncoin update Oct-Nov 2023 This is your last chance for massive crypto gains Good things have already started October was an excellent month for crypto markets. Bitcoin rose 29% in…
