Simplify your investing with the world’s first diversified crypto fund. Leave your portfolio with our team of experts who bring together cutting-edge technology, deep market insights, and unparalleled dedication, to redefine the way you navigate the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.
Simplify your investing with the world’s first diversified crypto mutual fund. We make investing in crypto safer and simpler for you, with a choice of managed crypto portfolios. Entrust your funds with our team of experts. We bring together cutting-edge technology, deep market insights, and unparalleled dedication, to redefine the way you invest in cryptocurrencies. ~ Trusted. Transparent. Tracked since 2016. ~ Bostoncoin makes crypto investing simpler and safer with a white-glove, “done for you” service.
Coin | Price | Change (24H) | Price Graph (7D) |
In 2016,, created the world’s first diversified crypto mutual fund. Since then, our flagship crypto fund has outperformed Bitcoin – for eight years in a row.
We are the premier platform for making smart and easy investments – no matter where you are in your digital asset investment journey. Since January 2016 we have provided a suite of crypto services to make investing in cryptocurrency simpler, more secure, and more accessible for you. Our team have a minimum of ten years investment experience; with some team members having 20-30 years of experience in stocks before they discovered cryptocurrency.
Bostoncoin update Feb 2025 Big news, and all are welcome The new year 2025 is off to a great start. Bitcoin has set new records, new rules are coming to protect investors, traditional financial institutions continue to get into crypto, and new funds are coming to the Boston puppy pack….
Investing in crypto can be generally easy for anyone with access to a phone or computer. Currently, there are around 240 stocks on the NYSE, and around 2500 on the NASDAQ. It is hard enough to pick the best of that bunch for stocks. When you discover there are over 30 000 cryptocurrency projects, with over 90% of them being rubbish, finding a winner can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Leveraging your time by outsourcing to an expert is why 80-90% of investors use professional fund managers and mutual funds.
Both individuals and legal structures can invest in cryptocurrency. This includes companies, trusts, self-managed superannuation funds, retirement, and pension funds. If you have any questions, please ask!
There are thousands of different types of cryptos, just as there are thousands of different types of companies and stocks. To discover what we are investing in, you can refer to the Portfolio tab on the website or any of the Monthly Updates.
A crypto exchange is like a stock exchange, where you buy or sell cryptocurrency. A crypto wallet is where you store your cryptocurrency after you have purchased it. Leaving crypto on an exchange is not wise as exchanges are not 100% secure. Crypto wallets can be referred to as “hot” (connected to the internet) or “cold” (not connected to the internet). A cold wallet is the most secure storage.
Without crystal balls, we cannot see what will happen in the future; however, in the past, our research methodology has uncovered huge opportunities. In the first four years, the Bostoncoin fund returned over 366%, with gains of over 10 000% on no less than six coins in the portfolio. It is essential to know that “past performance is not an indicator of future returns” and that nothing is guaranteed.
Investors can invest on their own, in any of the tens of thousands of available cryptocurrencies. Investing in the Bostoncoin or DARTcoin diversified crypto mutual fund means that you are investing in dozens of different cryptocurrencies or coins in one package.
Most talking heads on Youtube or TikTok are paid by advertisers, the owners of the coin they are promoting, or just by increased views. So-called “finfluencers” are not necessarily operating in your best interest, and many may be operating illegally. We find it is best to allow the experts to be the experts, so unless your friend is a professional hedge fund manager, don’t listen.
If you or a friend have lost money in a bad crypto project, don’t panic. Researchers at CoinTelegraph stated that “up to 92% of crypto projects are scams”. Some very famous people have fallen for the scams, and some very clever people have lost millions of dollars. We are happy to report that, out of thousands of projects we have invested in, since Jan 2016, we have not had one coin go to zero. This is largely due to using the four-step “COIN protocol” and spending a decent amount of time on research before investing.
There are thousands of stock mutual funds worldwide, and only a handful of crypto mutual funds. As nobody can predict the future, we cannot claim which fund will be the best performer next year. We can tell you that the Bostoncoin fund was the world’s first crypto mutual fund (since January 2016) and the first crypto fund to be listed on the global investment powerhouse MorningStar. The competitors have not been around for so long, with some under one year old. If the fund manager cannot show you a five-year chart, perhaps avoid them.
The minimum initial investment for all Boston Trading Co funds is $10 000. The minimum additional investment is $1000. You can make regular investments monthly or on an ad hoc basis. Many other crypto mutual funds have minimum investment amounts of $50 000 up to $250 000, making them out of the reach of many investors.
There are no lock-in periods. You can access your funds at any time. However, as with most speculative investments, the suggested timeframe is five to seven years to maximise growth on your investment.
Coin | Price | Marketcap | Volume (24h) | Supply | Change (1H) | Change (24H) | Price Graph (7D) |
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