
How to receive and store your POLLY coin (Metamask)

When Boston Trading co first launched, we had one product: the diversified crypto and stock fund known as Bostoncoin. It has been running for six years now, with some great results, outperforming Bitcoin with less volatility. However, sometimes the “one-size fits all” does not work out for everyone, so based on your feedback, we launched two new funds.

The POLLYcoin, with her musk-pink logo, is for those investors who want capital stability with a monthly income, just like an old-fashioned Term Deposit (TD) or Certificate of Deposit (CD). This may suit investors who rely on income, or those who wish to invest for the shorter-term. As there is no growth on this fund, the suggested investment timeframe is 1-3 years.

The DARTcoin is for investors who looked at Bostoncoin’s 300% returns and said things like, “What if it could do better?”, “What if it had more volatility?” or “Imagine a more roller-coaster version”.

We have you covered. The DARTcoin is recommended for sophisticated investors who have a higher-risk profile and understand volatility. It is recommended to be a part, not the whole of a balanced portfolio, for those who can endure high volatility and have a 5-7+ year timeframe.

If this is you, then click here, otherwise, feel free to look more closely at Bostoncoin or POLLYcoin.

Here is how to receive and store your POLLYcoin

Whilst Bostoncoin is an Ethereum token, running on the Ethereum (ERC) network, POLLYcoin runs on the Polygon network. This network has faster transaction times and lower transfer costs than Ethereum, and whilst a ‘Top Twenty’ coin, Polygon is newer and may have some compatibility issues.

As at March 2022, we are unable to send POLLY tokens to wallets such as the ERC-compatible Eidoo, Trust, or Coinbase wallet where you may store your Bostoncoin and other ERC tokens.

As the Polygon network expands its network and uses case, we trust that more options will become available soon. For now, we use MetaMask wallet, which is available for computers and mobile devices. Please double-check to ensure you are downloading the authentic MetaMask wallet from a legitimate source.

Instructions for setting up the wallet and receiving your POLLY or other Polygon tokens are below. The images you see may vary from those below, depending on if you are on a PC/Mac or mobile device. So long as you have the correct site you can follow the steps for any device.

First, and importantly, make yourself a strong hot beverage. This process will take a good ten minutes of concentrated effort, and then after that, you can relax.

From the main site, choose the correct download for your device: Chrome, iOS or Android.

Once you open the software, it will ask you to get started or sign in or create a new account.

For most users, this will be a new account, so press “Create Wallet”. If you have used MetaMask before on another device, you can import the previous wallet using “Import” and your 12-24 word recovery phrase.

For some users, MetaMask will ask permission to request anonymous data. This does not allow anyone to see your balance, email address, seed phrase, or any personal data. It is used for bug reporting and is anonymized so is safe to accept.

MetaMask will ask you to create a secure password to access your wallet, If using a secure device (eg. one that has fingerprint or facial recognition), you may choose to store your password on the device, otherwise use a password that is known only to you and keep it secure. If you lose your password, you may restore the wallet using the 12-24 word seedphrase (coming up next), but if you lose the seedphrase your funds are generally not recoverable.

Be sure you are in a secure location when accessing your seedphrase, so nobody else can see it. It is recommended that you do NOT screenshot your seedphrase nor store it on your device which may become lost or damaged. Ideally, write the seedphrase on a piece of paper, have it laminated to protect from moisture, and store it in a safe or with your most secure documents.

Once you have written down the seedphrase, MetaMask will ask you to put them in the correct order to confirm. Then click “All Done”

If you are using the Chrome browser, you can click the puzzle icon and link Metamask wallet to your browser so it is always available when you need it. If you have the app on a mobile device, store it securely with your banking or crypto apps. The Metamask wallet defaults to Ethereum (ERC) network, so next, we will learn how to switch it to Polygon.

Click on the Network dropdown box (it will say Ethereum Mainnet) then click “Add Network”

You will need the following details to add the Polygon network:

Network Name



Choose any of the following:

Chain ID


Currency Symbol


Block Explorer URL

Input the details as shown and then click “Save”. You are now connected to the Polygon network through Metamask, and will be able to add Polygon tokens such as POLLYcoin and/or DARTcoin. Click on “Import Tokens” at the bottom of the screen

Then click on “Add Custom Token”

Every token has a unique address. For the POLLYcoin, details are as follows:

(note in some versions of MetaMask, the “Token Decimal” heading is called “Token of Precision”. It is the same thing.)

Token address




Token Decimal


Once you have filled in the details (copy and paste is fine), press “Import Tokens”

if you have done everything correctly, you will see an icon and the name of your new POLLY token.

Your balance will likely be zero at first, as you have set up the wallet but nobody else knows the address to send your tokens.

Click on the icon or POLLY name and it will open your POLLY wallet, which will likely show a zero balance to begin with. You will see headings labelled “Receive”, “Send” and “Swap”

Press “Receive” and it will show you a QR code and a long alphanumeric code, which you can press to copy. This code is similar to a BSB and Account number. It is safe to give this address to others, as they can only deposit tokens to your account. Nobody can withdraw or transfer funds unless they have the secret seedphrase or your password.

(In the above image, we have scrubbed over the QR code so that nobody accidentally sends funds to this wallet. Your QR code will look clean and fresh.)

Press on the alphanumeric wallet address beneath the QR code to copy, then send it via email to the token issuer; in this example, it will be Boston Trading co. The token issuer can then use your wallet address to send your tokens directly to you. Note that transactions over Polygon network are significantly faster than the Ethereum network, so you should see your tokens pop up in your wallet within a few minutes.

If your tokens do not show up within 10-15 minutes, or if your screen looks different to the screenshots above, or if you feel it is not working easily for you, please get in touch and we are happy to step you through this process over a Zoom call.

NOTE: The POLLYcoin is designed like a term deposit, to pay monthly income. Your invested funds will stay stable, and pay interest each month to an account you nominate. When you email us your Polygon wallet address, you must also provide details of the bank account that you want your interest paid into. We take no responsibility for your accuracy and cannot recover your funds once they are sent, so please ensure all details are correct, and provide a screenshot if required.
